Stroke Rehabilitation training & vacation

Join the waiting list for our rehabilitation events/holidays

Join the list today, and find out how we can help you recover with the latest insights and training methods. 



  • 14-23 Oct 


  • 9-18 and 21-30 April 
  • 13-22 and 24 Oct -2 Nov





  • On demand July-Dec 2024 






Summer 2024 (fully booked)

Summer 2025 preliminary dates

  • 25 June - 4th July
  •  7 July - 16 July
  • 4 of Aug -13 Aug
  • 1 Sep -10 Sep


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Go to Trustpilot and see the verified reviews.

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for near you

We are 6 revolutionary stroke fitness machines (currently patent pending). Which will cover 60-70% of the specific rehab needs of  stroke survivors. see more..

DO YOU WANT BETTER SOLUTIONS and ANSWERS FOR: drop foot, walking better,  shoulder, arm, hand, speech problems and/or fatigue, brain fog after your stroke?

We provide stroke survivors and their families stroke rehabilitation intensive training weeks (and vacation!) in Cyprus and the Netherlands. We integrate practical application of the latest stroke science, and "out of the box tools"  that help many who are stuck after the first rehabilitation, including Linda, to continue their recovery after stroke.

Arjan: born in the Netherlands, specialized chiropractor/ functional neurologist  who developed a passion for brain-related issues in his early teens. Learn more

Linda: born in Sweden, author of "Stroke Rebel", was 43 when a severe stroke hit her in 2016. Learn more 

Stroke Rebel

STROKE REBEL shows how an entrepreneur and former model is fighting her way back to living life successfully after a massive stroke at a young age. Linda’s story serves as a blueprint and source of realistic hope for stroke survivors.

She is giving out the audio-book for free: 

You can buy the book on amazon, as well

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We will do everything in our power to get you to:


  1. Walk again, if you can walk: walk better
  2. Use your affected arm again 
  3. Loose your spasticity 
  4. Regain more balance
  5. Help with your speech 
  6. Help with your tiredness 
  7. Help you: finding your purpose again